Orangeville News

Dear Parents/Guardians:

On Friday, March 20th, Governor Pritzker issued an executive order requiring residents to “stay at home” effective Saturday, March 21 at 5:00 pm, through the end of April 7. As part of the Governor’s order, he announced that schools will remain closed, with a new tentative reopening date of April 8. We recognize that this development may raise questions about the impact on students, staff, and families as well as the school’s vital role of providing meals to students and families while schools are closed. We anticipate further guidance and details from the Illinois State Board of Education next week.

Based on the above information given by the State Agencies, we will continue to provide sack lunches to any student through April 7. Parents are asked to email Pat Schneiderman at by 9:00 a.m. tomorrow so we can have a count to order food. If needed, provide an address for delivery. Please indicate the information below on the email provided.

Thank you,

Dr. Douglas DeSchepper

Lunches provided for any student in grade Pre-K - 12

Email by 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. Pick up lunches at the JH/HS entrance from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Students name(s) _____________________________________________ 


March 30 – April 7 _________ indicate # of students

If you need delivery, indicate an address: