Food Service




Mrs. Lindsey Minkie

Mrs. Nicci Eipers

Ms. Sabrina Lewis

If you have questions about food service or FRAM, please contact Mrs. Minkie at


During the school year, Orangeville School District offers lunch for all full-day students.

Cost for lunch in 2024-25 is as follows:

  • Elementary (PK-5 gr.) - $3.50

  • JH/HS (6-12 gr.) - $3.75

  • Adult meals - $4.25

  • Single carton of milk - $0.40

  • Single slice [ala carte] pizza (not avail. to PK-5) - $2.00

  • Milk Break (OPTIONAL for the PK-2 gr.) - $70.00/yr.

During the summer, the state of Illinois offers Summer EBT or "Sun Bucks" to help families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer. To learn more about Sun Bucks, please see the graphic below, or click the links to view the fact sheet PDF in English or Spanish.

Summer EBT Fact Sheet: PDF in English - PDF in Spanish

If you have further questions about Summer EBT/Sun Bucks, see the IDPH page regarding Summer EBT here:

Summer EBT fact sheet page 1

Summer EBT fact sheet page 2