The mission of the OEF is to aid Orangeville School District #203 and the greater Orangeville area in promoting educational and student opportunities, both curricular and extra-curricular; foster civic responsibility and a continuing working relationship between the school system and community in which we thrive; develop and maintain an excellent relationship with our alumni and friends of OEF.
Foundation Members
Chairman - Mary Velcich
Secretary- Charlotte Schilling
Co-Treasurers- Barb Pieper & Scott Setterstrom
Emily Campbell
Sue Kelly
Elizabeth MacKenzie
Duane Schurch
Gerry Turner
History of Orangeville School District
The formation of Community Unit School District #203 occurred on April 23, 1949 as a result of a merger of twenty-one rural districts with the grade and high school.
In 1958 a six-room addition was necessary at the grade school.
During the winter of 1966-1967 a fourteen-room addition was made to the grade school before the razing of the grade school of 1874.
The high school building at 201 S. Orange St. was erected in 1952-1953.
In 1973, the school district passed a referendum to construct an addition to the junior high/high school. Construction of a multi-purpose room, a larger band room, several classrooms, and a Learning Materials Center was completed by the end of the summer of 1975.
In fall 2018 it was announced that plans were being made for the elementary to join the jr.-sr. high school in the same building by the 2019-20 school year. In the summer of 2019 rooms were renovated and a multipurpose gymnasium and playground was added on to the south side of the high school building. The former grade school building at 310 S. East St. was sold, and then in September 2019, the school year began for the first time inside the now PreK - 12 district building.
OEF Information
The Orangeville Education Foundation puts on and supports many different events, including the following:
Homecoming Alumni Recognition
Fan Appreciation Night
Firemen’s Festival
Golf Outing
Lena Maid Meats Lunch Stand
Why Fund
For the past several years, the State level of support for education has steadily declined while schools have been mandated to provide for more services and programs. In the education world of today, being good is not enough. We must strive to achieve the highest level of excellence possible, which can be realized only with the help of private resources. Private support is vital to provide the flexibility that is indispensable in building sound educational systems. District #203 is a source of learning and enrichment for our community. By supporting this system, through private gifts. donors are making an investment that will be repaid handsomely in the ever-increasing quality of students, staff, and alumni. This not-for-profit organization was founded in an effort to support the organizations and classes of the Orangeville School District as well as provide scholarship money for its graduates.
How to Support
All money donated is tax deductible. The funds come from caring people who can see the benefits of supporting the education of the teachers and students of District #203. We encourage cash donations from our graduating classes when they meet for class reunions. The classes may make donations either individually or as a group. Individual gifts may be made in a variety of ways. Cash donations are always welcome. Other ways of donating:
a bequest in a Will or Trust
the Foundation as a beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy
a gift of Real of Personal Property
a Memorial gift in memory of or on honor of a loved one
In order to make a gift by will, trust, or transfer of property, you will want to consult your attorney to determine the appropriate way to give such a gift. A member of the Foundation will be made available for further discussions regarding your gift-giving intentions if you should desire to speak with someone about your gift. Your gifts will be acknowledged personally as well as being kept in our permanent record of donors which is updated annually and available upon request.
If you would like to make a donation please click here for a printable form that can be mailed in with the donation. Please make checks payable to District #203 Orangeville Education Foundation.
Mail to: District #203 Orangeville Education Foundation
201 S Orange St
Orangeville, IL 61060
District Office: 815-789-4289
We thank you for interest and consideration.
Annual Joleen Marcum Golf Scramble
Each year, the OEF holds the Joleen Marcum Golf Scramble as a fundraiser. Named after an OHS alum, and also long-time employee of Orangeville School District, Joleen loved Orangeville and golf.
This year's Golf Scramble will take place [tba], at The Ville Golf Course. If interested, in registering, or in sponsoring a hole, please click the links below for the PDF.
Golf Scramble Registration
Golf Scramble Hole Sponsorship