Dear Parents/Guardians,

The Orangeville School District recognizes the importance of end-of-year activities for students, parents, family members and faculty to celebrate the accomplishments of our students. We know that not knowing has created anxiety for our high school students and families. The district will continue to take guidance from Governor Pritzker, the CDC, and the Illinois State Board of Education to determine when it will be safe to hold these events. With that being said, we wanted to announce our approved schedule for the following events: Prom, Graduation, and Senior Awards Night. Please reserve these dates for our rescheduled events.





Senior Awards Night

May 21, 2020

7:00 p.m.


Prom Grand March and Coronation

July 11, 2020

6:30 p.m.

HS Gymnasium

Prom Dance

July 11, 2020

8:00 p.m.

Lake Summerset


July 17, 2020

6:30 p.m.

HS Gymnasium or Football Field

The seniors’ last day of class is next Tuesday, May 19th, as was scheduled.  This means there will be no work assigned for seniors after that date. However, any work not yet finished & turned in will be accepted until June 9th.  Seniors may check their online grades to see if any work is missing.  If all work is not turned in by June 9th, an “I” or incomplete will appear on the second semester report card and on the senior final transcript, and no credit will be awarded for that class.

The Senior Class of 2020 is a remarkable group and will persevere through all this. We want you to have the celebrations of your success that you have earned and deserve.



Andrew Janecke