National Suicide Prevention Week

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and this week was Suicide Prevention Week. In the announcements each day, we gave the following information about suicide facts and myths:

September 4th - 10th starts suicide prevention week. Please help Orangeville Jr. - Sr. High and the Orangeville community work toward reducing the risk of suicide. The new talk, text, or chat number for the Suicide Lifeline is 988. If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out to the lifeline. 

For suicide prevention week, we would like to dispel some common myths about suicide. Talking about suicide does not encourage someone that is feeling suicidal. Talking openly about suicide provides the opportunity for communication. When talking openly about suicide, you should not be judgmental, and validate the person’s experience and feelings. Reassure the person that help is available, encourage them to seek help and do not leave the person alone if they are in crisis. 

Another myth about suicide is that attempts or deaths by suicide are sudden and without warning. Common warning signs associated with suicide are: 

  • Depression or other psychological disorders

  • Substance abuse

  • Major changes in sleep patterns

  • Dropping out of group activities

  • Lack of interest in the future

  • Giving away of prized possessions 

  • Previous suicide attempts

Our final myth about suicide is that once a person is intent on suicide, there is no way to help. The fact is suicides can be prevented and people can be helped. Suicidal crises can be relatively short-lived. You can provide immediate practical help such as staying with the person, encouraging them to talk, and helping them plan for the future. Urge the person to seek help immediately and do not promise to keep any secrets. Tell a parent, teacher, principal, counselor, or call 988 or 911.

Continue to bring awareness by wearing purple or teal every Friday of the month in support of suicide prevention.